Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all! We have just come back from a great 10 days with mum and dad up on the Sunshine Coast. We had a really great time eating (too much of course), drinking and swimming! Below are a few photos to illustrate. Hope you all had a great holiday xxx

The second night up north we had 'tree setting up night', complete with egg nogg of course.

Ayden and I getting through the tree.
Dad pretty much supervised the whole time, decoration placement was very important :)
Putting the finishing touch on the tree - the Angel. It was mum and dad's turn this year.

The finished product - beautiful!

Mum and I found these Reindeer ears (they light up and play Christmas tunes) at the $2 shop and couldn't resist. Dad wasn't so happy!

Barkiss wasn't so sure either :)

We packed up the table and chairs from the pool area and decided to have our Aussie Christmas down the back amongst the trees, it was really nice and cool!

We had all this beautiful food - enough for 20 people, we managed to put a descent dent in it though!

Mum looking gorgeous as always - wearing a Christmas present (pearl necklace).

This was our setup - you can see the chook house in the background.

Getting ready to start the feast!

Happy New Year!
This was our possie for new year - we had packed a picnic and gone down to the river at Noosaville. It was a really nice night - we ate and drank (AGAIN) and watched the sun go down.
We were all wishing this was our boat - anyway the night sky was just as nice :)

Dad enjoying the view and the beer.

All our home made dip and goodies to get us through the night.
Unfortunately I couldn't last all night - we ended up seeing the fireworks on the telly at home for our new year (sorry guys).
Thanks for having us for Christmas mum and dad, it was a great holiday xx
1 comment:
Looks like you guys had an awsome christmas!
What a great idea to move the table down the back. I love the photo of Barkiss the p*$@ed off reindeer! LOL! Thanks for posting heaps of pics, I almost feel as if I was there! Love you and hope your great! xoxoxoxox
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