Brooke came in on Thursday and went to mum and dad's for a couple of nights, after her NZ flight mum and I picked Brooke up from her hotel in Brisbane and they came to stay for Saturday and Sunday nights. Sunday Brooke got her hair cut and we went to Saporro for lunch (yum), that night we stayed home for a lovely roast dinner. Monday morning we went down to Fingal after soldiers for breakfast to sit on the beach for a few hours. We had sushi again for lunch and did a little shopping - we had a great weekend - I did my best to convince the two that they should be back to living on the coast (think I still have some work to do!)! Unfortunately dad missed out this time , although I don't think he minded too much - golf, grand final and beer in the spa weekend for him!
That's all for now - thank you for all you comments it's great to hear from you!! Will keep you up to date on the next event!
Love to all - Liz, Jess (+ belly), Brooke and Ayden xxxxx
Hi Jessie(+kicker) and Ayden,
Thanks for having me, I had so much fun! Sorry for washing your beer mug Ayden... oops. Shocking photo Jess, we're way hotter than that in real life. I've just had two days off and I have a standby in the morning so I'm legal for a BNE flight so cross everything! I am! Love you guys lots. PS: Mehdi loves his shirt! PPS: we're having stuffed zuchini for dinner tonight! PPPS: miss you like a crazy person!
Hi everyone,
Good to see that everything is going well and that Brooke and Liz have been to visit you. Wish I could come over too but I don't think that will be happening until after the bun is nice and done!
Lots of love, big kisses to everyone
PS. more tummy photos please, and photos of ayden wearing the baby carrier, hillarity!
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