Congratulations Brad and Taryn - she is beautiful!
Congratulations Brad and Taryn - she is beautiful!
The girls did an amazing job on decorating our little house - there were baby themed things everywhere! Once again very spoilt!
Brooke made the nappy cake - she's so cleaver! There were lots of little prezzies poking out everywhere.
We all wore name tags - this one didn't last long :)
These are the beautiful ladies that decorated our house and made the day so special! Taryn, Amanda and Debbie (frm left).
I think we were playing games at this stage - Mum looks like she's having fun! Mum, Janesse and Peta.
I wish I had the shot we were posing for - anyway Brooke and I cutting the cake.
Playing another game! Hopefully I won't have to do that too many times :) The name of the game was to correctly guess what was in the nappies (it's funny to see people smelling nappies and having them that close to their faces!), I think in the end there was a chocolate one, a garlic one, some vegemite (of course) and something I don't remember which is probably why I didn't win!
Ryan and Ayden after their second night on the grog - still looking cheerful!
That's all for now - thank you for all you comments it's great to hear from you!! Will keep you up to date on the next event!
Love to all - Liz, Jess (+ belly), Brooke and Ayden xxxxx
It's called Black Bubbles, we got the hippo as a gift from the store - you pull it down and it wriggles back!
Had to try it out around the house (looks silly with no one in it). Mum and I took it outside and tried navigating the steps out front - secretly I think this is mum's favourite toy too! Note the amazing painting in the background!
Mum and Dad got this done for my Birthday, it looks so great! Ayden's uncle Peter painted it in '83' it was given to us when we went to visit Peter and Roz after the wedding. It was in an old original frame that we had restored and framed in Italian gold guilded (lots of Italian happening at the moment), the framer did an amazing job! Dad says it belongs in the Louvre (I think he's right)!
Oh, we got our wedding video too, it's so great I can't wait for everyone to see it!
Ayden had to steal one - yummy!
Close up - also notice talking Boonie men on the bottom left!
This is Ayden's handywork (great to have a cabinetmaker in the family!), in the soon to be study! I was so excited to put it all together!
Ayden again - completely changed the wardrobe in the baby's room. Great for storing lots of goodies and makes the room a lot nicer!!
This is our handywork - not finished with the painting yet - have to get motivated again! The cot came from Chaz (Ayden's older sister) - so great!
Hanging over the cot (pram blankie) came from the Spinners and Weavers Exhibition at Berry. Mum and Dad bought this and another beautiful blanket for us when we were on our way down for Jacob's 21st! Note the colour ;)! Also love the turtle light!!