Sorry it's been soooo long! We have been so busy lately! I have started to go to mum and dad's twice a week to sell dad's work at the Eumundi markets! It's going really well! Mum looks after Josie while I go off to market to make our millions! It's working out really well for us - I'm lucky it's so easy for me really! Aunty Marleen is up at the moment staying with mum and dad! She's really well, we've been having fun looking through old photos and having chats! Brooke and Mehdi come home in a couple of weeks - CAN'T WAIT! So I will have lots of great photo's to come (I promise)! Ayden is still really busy at work - great news - and really well, it's his birthday on the 18th (we'll have to relax that weekend)!
Love to all and missing everyone - surely a catch-up is due soon!