Our perfect little baby girl came in to the world on January 29th at 1.27pm. Mum had what's known as an 'easy labour' (don't know where they got that one from - wasn't that easy if you ask me!:)), she was induced at midnight and her waters were broken about 7am that morning - and we were straight in to contractions. Jess was in labour for 6 hours in total and managed in the end without the epidural, even though she was screaming for it halfway through! Josie came out screaming, kicking, wee-ing and poo-ing all at the same time. Ayden, Mum (Ellie) and Aunty Brooke were great support for Jess, we were lucky that Brooke made it - she came running in to the birthing suite about 11am! Dad, Mum and Josie stayed in hospital for 4 nights learning how to care for each other. When it was time to leave going home was all a bit too much for the new mum and the tears were flowing when they rolled in the driveway.
Now after a good few days at home our little family is settling in and adapting to their new addition! Below are a very small sample of the million photos we have snapped so far - enjoy!
Thank you for all your kind wishes, cards, flowers and gifts - they made us feel very special!
Lots of love to all - until next time with more Josie photos xxx

First moments of life
First cuddles with great Grandma and Grandfather
First cuddles with Ellie and Pa

Photos with Ellie

One of many cuddles with Aunty Brooke

Already watching telly in bed with dad

Mum obviously opened the curtains too early!

First stroll in the pram - she loved it!
Josie loves dad giving her bath's, mum tried once and she screamed the whole time!