We had such a great day, it was very hot so we tried to stay inside with AC on! There must have been 25 guests in all, I was amazed we were able to fit in our small living area! I was told to leave for the morning so I went to buy a dress for the occasion while mum, Brooke, Amanda, Deb and Taryn made the house a big baby space! There were so many decorations and the food was beautiful! Thank you girls for making the day so special! It was great that Brooke was home for this occasion too, we missed her at the hen's - it's never the same without her little touches! We drank, ate and played games well in to the afternoon - a great day was had by all! Bub would like to thank everyone for their gifts - you're all so generous, thank you xx
We had american cheesecake (my fav), it had little babies on top, so cute!
Mum and Brooke did an amazing job with all the food! I had to go out for the morning so everything was a bit surprise when I got home. I'm so lucky!
Baby is even more spoilt! These are all the gifts - I couldn't believe how many there were. We got some beautiful and very useful things! I won't make a list I don't want to miss anything out!
The girls did an amazing job on decorating our little house - there were baby themed things everywhere! Once again very spoilt!
Brooke made the nappy cake - she's so cleaver! There were lots of little prezzies poking out everywhere.
We all wore name tags - this one didn't last long :)
These are the beautiful ladies that decorated our house and made the day so special! Taryn, Amanda and Debbie (frm left).
I think we were playing games at this stage - Mum looks like she's having fun! Mum, Janesse and Peta.
I wish I had the shot we were posing for - anyway Brooke and I cutting the cake.
Playing another game! Hopefully I won't have to do that too many times :) The name of the game was to correctly guess what was in the nappies (it's funny to see people smelling nappies and having them that close to their faces!), I think in the end there was a chocolate one, a garlic one, some vegemite (of course) and something I don't remember which is probably why I didn't win!
Everyone has been asking for belly photo's so here goes:

Brooke and I enjoying the pool in our backyard - eating chips and drinking soft drink! As you can see I don't see the sun much these days :)

This photo is horrible - Ayden took one while I wasn't watching, but I suppose it shows off the belly! Those PJ's used to fit me!